Hello World From Vim

Hello word! from Vim

Let me say Hello world! from vim.

I think I have to summarieze my vim configure experience. Let me start from vimRepress

I use gvim7.3 under windows

  • Downloand VimRepress from http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3510
  • Configure .vimrc file by adding:
    let VIMPRESS =[{'username':'your name',  
                    \'password':'your password',
                    ... "you can add more blogs by repeat the above format      '

I did not creat file .vimpressrc it still work well

BTW, it is cool to write blog from vim, but does it look like another emacs? It will definitely be another emacs when vim is also able to cook coffee. Then there will be a new war between two “quasi-operating-systerm”.

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